brandgarden portfolio of innovation and start-up initiatives

This portfolio is a collection of all the speculative development initiatives I have produced in recent years.

Client-centric strategic and creative development briefs do not always provide the opportunity to push the envelope.
Many times, to provide a client with the very best, future-proofed brand solution means looking far beyond their immediate commercial needs,
and into a future of opportunity, insight and visionary development.

Selfishly, it is also a way to educate myself and to collaborate creatively and productively with my colleagues,
across design, technology, writing, multiple media and multiple communications sectors and age segments.

Every one of these projects was a creative and commercial adventure for myself and the others involved.
We all learned something important from them.

Not all of them made money.
Without exception, each was a priceless experience.

In this context, every project is an asset in terms of our branding capabilities.

Building a platform for students
Investigations in urban art
Exploring the limits of ambient video
Crafting a cultural freesheet
Winning hearts & minds with art prints
Selfie-less phone snapping
Inventing a new music product
Taking text-to-speech to the limit
Speech software development
An adventure in screen-writing

In my career I have been fortunate to have worked with a handful of exceptional professionals.

All the work displayed on these pages was produced by myself personally
or as the creative director of a small team of freelance creative specialists and technicians.

creative intelligence

contact brandgarden     I     phone 07834 601 595

This website conceived, designed, written and built by Glenn Greenhill for Brandgarden. Copyright © 2014 Glenn Greenhill